How to make the most out of you in 2014?

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." - Johann Von Goethe

So, 2013 is going to end soon and yet another new year celebration. and day after day and lo a whole year is passed. Seems familiar huh.

Being obsessive about self-help and motivational books ( and a big fan of Robin Sharma), it is like a ritual for me to make resolutions every year. But again who don't :)

The problem is that with time these resolution get far from our sight day by day and by the end of February, we cant even remember what we had sought from ourselves.

So, here are my suggestions to me and everyone who doesn't want this annual happening to be a reality again in 2014:

1. Make realistic resolution 
The problem with having a hard goal is that it requires more determination, stronger will and greater focus. Why take the hard path? So, if you challenge yourself to read 60 novels within a year. Certainly you will fail. Because, 60 that is a big number. But if you remodel your resolution to reading 5 novels every month that seems a bit realistic.

2. Don't force yourself
What goes wrong in case of most of people is that they think with year they too have changed. No Sir, sorry but this is not so. So if you want to go on dieting. Don't halve your diet on January 1. The change should be gradual.

3.Have a record of your resolution
Make a journal and fill out every day, whether you are progressing or just fooling yourself. Another benefit of journal is that you have to confront your resolution everyday, a great reminder. But again the problem is the duty to fill journal daily, which if not done daily will server no purpose.

4.Announce your resolutions publicly
Once you announce your resolution  publicly, your friends and colleagues will leave no chance to remind you, every time you break your resolution.

5.Give yourself reward
So you completed January without breaking any resolutions, you deserve a reward, not from me but from yourself :)

6. And finally to err is human....
So you were unable to follow the plan. Don't worry 1st July is as auspicious as 1st January to have a resolution.

Make sure to let me know what are you planning for the coming year in the comments.


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